Monday 3 April 2017

Sunday On The Allotment - Sowing and Growing

St Ives Cornwall Allotment - Spring - Blue Skies

Lovely weather in Cornwall this weekend - warm with blue skies and sunshine.

I felt I'd done enough weeding and clearing for now - it never ends.

So I focussed on sowing some seeds - Spring is advancing quickly.

Allotment Growing - Carrots

I got two more rows of Amsterdam Forcing Carrots sown - mixed in with some Marigold seed. The flowers will make a pretty addition as well as attracting bees. They are also supposed to help keep carrot flies away - although I'm not sure that this works.

I also made a start on my long planned Wild Flower Patch - by sowing more Marigolds plus some Nasturtiums. This will also look nice in Summer - and attract more bees. I'll be adding some wild flower mix seed in due course. Plus some sunflowers that I've sown in pots to get started.

Allotment Growing - Broad Beans - Sprouting

Excited to see my Broad Beans - Bunyards Exhibition - finally coming through. They've been in the ground for three weeks and I was beginning to get worried. I do this every year - impatience! Hopefully the peas will come through next.

Allotment Growing - Living Willow Structure

More exciting news. My Living Willow Structure - which I planted back in November - is ..... living! Shoots are starting to appear all over so the willow is obviously rooting itself underground.
Can't wait to see how this develops through Spring and Summer.

Allotment Growing - Old Windows - Cold Frames

My friends and neighbours - Tim and Sharon - came out to the plot with some old windows that they've very kindly donated. These will be great for making cold frames. Re-using old materials is a big part of allotmenting for me - and the materials are free!

Spring On The Allotment - Blackthorn - Flowering

Finally - yet another lovely sign of Spring - the Blackthorn behind my plot is bursting into blossom. Can't wait to get out to the plot next week and see what develops.

Read more ......
Allotment Growing - Spring Sowings

Allotment Growing - Sweetcorn

Visit my website - Allotment Growing
- for lots more information, growing tips and photos:
Allotment Growing

You might also enjoy:
Allotment With A Sea View - Facebook


  1. Ooh! I like your willow structure! I think we need one of them!

    1. Thanks Belinda - fairly easy to construct - you just need a few 6 foot lengths of green willow to plant in the ground for the verticals, tie them in at the top to form a dome, these should root into the ground. Weave in more lengths of willow horizontally to strengthen the structure. I will keep posting updates.

    2. Thanks, I'll look out for some
