Sunday 30 November 2014

A New Plot - Still With A Sea View

St Ives Cornwall - Allotment
Allotment With A Sea View - St Ives Cornwall

Allotment With A Sea View has moved !

Not far though - just one plot across and two up - next to the boundary hedge and so more sheltered from the prevailing westerly winds. Still with lovely views to either side - of the Atlantic Ocean and the Penwith Hills.

This came about when a neighbour on the site decided to retie from allotmenteering - and kindly offered me his plot.

I though about this for a while - as I've put three years of work into the old plot - composting - manuring - improving the soil - building up a strawberry bed - planting willow.

But the new plot has a lot of advantages - its been very well cared for and the soil is in excellent condition. It has its own boundary fence - and the clincher - I now have my own shed !

I've transferred my compost bins over and transplanted most of the willow. I've been out today and dug bean trenches ready for my over-wintering broad beans to go in.

Looking forward to another productive year on my plot.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to cooking and eating the produce from the new allotment!xx
